
About Carstairs Psychological Associates Ltd

The company was formed in December 2005 with Dr Kari Carstairs as company director. It has continued to expand and develop. We now have three associates in addition to Dr Carstairs who are available to take cases and a senior forensic psychologist provides consultations to the company for complex cases. Details for the associates are provided on request. They include forensic and clinical child and adult psychologists. We are assisted by Natalie Henson and Rozaya Goldthorpe in the office. We have premises in Bromley and most of our cases are in the Greater London/South East area.

All associates receive individual supervision for each case with Dr Carstairs and undertake specialised training in working as an expert witness.  The company has a strong emphasis on supporting the team and on continuing professional development to keep up-to-date. For example, we hosted a workshop on the MMPI-2 with Dr James Butcher in 2009 and in 2010, we focused on learning the new version of the IQ test, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (UK edition).  The company also funded and led a major research project with the Rorschach through to publication in 2018.

Click here for a full CV. Dr Kari Carstairs’ CV